Oak Grove Town Leaders and Town Employees
Proudly serving our town!
The position of Mayor and those who serve on the Town Council are community minded individuals volunteering their time and energy to help make the town of Oak Grove a better place.
Additionally our Secretary/Treasurer, Fire Chief and Water Superintendent are part time positions held by people who serve our town with pride.

Mayor – Robert Fairweather

Position 1 Alderman - Gary Gray

Position 2 Alderwoman – Lajunta Plumlee

Position 3 Alderman - Aaron Curtis

Position 4 Alderman - Stacey Sutton

Position 5 Alderman - Terry Hutchison

Town Recorder - Stephanie Shepherd

Secretary/Treasurer - Stephanie Shepherd
Stephanie Shepherd has been the Oak Grove Secretary/Treasurer since March of 2020. She is at the Town Hall Tuesday through Thursday to assist with Water Department billing and Town related questions. You can email Ms. Stephanie at waterdept@oakgrovear.com or you can send her a message via the Water Department page.

Fire Chief - Mike McKelvey
Chief Mike McKelvey has been with the Oak Grove Fire Department for many years. He is dedicated to serving the community and is tasked with keeping the department’s equipment in proper operating condition.

Water Superintendent - Craig Matzenbacher